Earlier this month we hosted a Ranch Roping Clinic in the indoor arena. Chris Hepp was the instructor for the 2 day event, along with Ryan Sexson. Their focus was technique and low-stress stockmanship.
Following are some of the comments from the students.
‘Hospitality was outstanding, the instructors were top notch, good stock, a beautiful place to have the roping.’ – Gary Kirchoff
‘I had not realized how on the muscle I was becoming when I get into a bunch of cattle and it was translating right down to my horse which was causing him and the cattle both to speed up and become erratic. It was a great environment to get things like that sorted out and on the road to repair.’ ~ Kevin Meyer
‘The instruction they gave took me a long ways.’ ~ JC Odom
‘Lots of patience. Not just with myself, but with everyone. I never did see Ryan or Chris get impatient with anyone. That speaks volumes of confidence that they can teach and convey their ideas and knowledge to all students.’ ~ Nancy Price
‘It really helped me get confident in a wider range of shots which makes it easier to do my job. ~ Tyler Nielson
From a student that was only there for one day, ‘overall it was a great experience.’ ~Casey Sutton
‘Made some new friends. They taught some shots I wanted to learn about more. Was able to straighten out some of the flaws and bad habits I had created from learning on my own. Instructors were really willing to help me learn. ~ Clayton G’Schwind
Since Derek is always talking about building community, providing enriching experiences for employees, and taking care of the resources that we have been given responsibility over, this was one way to make that happen on the Koch Ranch.